Did you know that the act of giving can actually boost your immune system?
Several members of our staff felt inspired to try to do their part to help others during the pandemic. We wanted to share these Top 20 Acts of Kindness / individual ways our staff have helped to make a difference for others in need.
1) Supporting musicians streaming from home
2) Donated to pet rescue organizations
3) Built a rooftop daybed for my kids & dogs to enjoy
4) Left champagne at neighbor’s door for anniversary
5) Grocery shopping for my neighbors & family
6) Surprised friend with a birthday Zoom call
7) Networking adoptable animals via social media
8) Giving my dogs extra attention and walks
9) Donated funds to the Ocean Institute (our client) to feed the fish for a year
10) Teaching online yoga to doctors, nurses and community
11) Delivered fresh fruit & bread to family and neighbors
12) Continuing to pay our house cleaner while away
13) Supporting and giving extra tips to my favorite eateries
14) Made masks for grocery store workers and friends
15) Saturday morning coffee video calls with family
16) Made sidewalk chalk art/messages for neighbors
17) Giving thanks to workers at Starbucks drive-thru
18) Offered to suspend invoicing to clients most in need
19) Provided masks to clients, partners, friends & staff
20) Trying to be as positive and uplifting as possible