HX: The Hotel Experience + BDNY
November 12, 2018
Brian Husting and Ron Javier attended HX 2018 and BDNY held concurrently at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York Nov 11-12. The two day Hotel Experience focused on Future Trends, Technology, and Operational Excellence in Hospitality.
Key takeaway's:
Key takeaway's:
- Future = Environmentally conscious hotels and health care facilities
- Artificial intelligence is the next big thing; augmented reality has more to offer than virtual reality
- Hotel occupancy and profitability are currently breaking previous records
- Bring the outdoors inside with increased exposure to daylight
- Art improves wellness
- 23% of a hotel’s costs are lighting
- Not a lot of growth potential in gaming

HX: The Hotel Experience + BDNY
November 12, 2018
Brian Husting and Ron Javier attended HX 2018 and BDNY held concurrently at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York Nov 11-12. The two day Hotel Experience focused on Future Trends, Technology, and Operational Excellence in Hospitality.
Key takeaway's:
Key takeaway's:
- Future = Environmentally conscious hotels and health care facilities
- Artificial intelligence is the next big thing; augmented reality has more to offer than virtual reality
- Hotel occupancy and profitability are currently breaking previous records
- Bring the outdoors inside with increased exposure to daylight
- Art improves wellness
- 23% of a hotel’s costs are lighting
- Not a lot of growth potential in gaming